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Mau tanya seputar produk SIRUI A-1205 CARBON FIBER TRIPOD WITH Y-11 BALL HEAD , harga, promo dan stok?
Ketersediaan Barang, Harga dan Extra/Bonus yang tertera di website dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. Untuk konfirmasi silahkan hubungi kami sebelum melakukan pembelian.
This high-quality travel tripod from SIRUI offer secure support for your compact or system camera despite its compact design. It is easy to handle in any situation and can be packed into any bag. The legs can be folded up by 180° meaning that the tripod can be collapsed to a height of just 37cm. Each leg is made of 5 sections with 4 sealed twist locks. The rubber feet ensure the tripod is steady on all surfaces. Cold-weather grips are a SIRUI standard, as is the practical transport bag. The center column can be detached and inverted for low angle or macro shooting. The head can also be mounted directly onto the tripod shoulder, increasing stability. The Sirui A-1205 Carbon Fibre Tripod with Y-11 Ball Head and Convertible Monopod Leg features a Tripod leg that converts to monopod. The centre column can be attached to the Monopod leg for increased height. The new Y-11 ball head operates very smoothly and softly. It supports cameras up to 10kg in weight. The base can be rotated by 360°, ideal for panoramic shots. The friction, and therefore the movement of the head, can be set.
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