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Mau tanya seputar produk PEAK DESIGN SLIDE SL-AS-3 , harga, promo dan stok?
Ketersediaan Barang, Harga dan Extra/Bonus yang tertera di website dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. Untuk konfirmasi silahkan hubungi kami sebelum melakukan pembelian.
arry your equipment in comfort and style with this ash Slide Camera Strap from Peak Design. This strap uses strong, removable anchor connectors that attach to the eyelets of your camera or the included mounting plate, holding up to 200 lb of gear and easily supporting most DSLR and mirrorless systems. By pairing this versatile connection with a long adjustable length from 39 to 57", the Slide can be configured to work as a sling, shoulder, or neck strap. The strap has a width of 1.8" and is made of nylon webbing that is padded internally to help ensure comfortable use. Its two sides feature different properties: one side is smooth for sliding the camera to your eye when set up as a sling, while the other has a silicone grip that prevents slipping when using it on your neck or shoulder. The four included anchor points attach and detach from the strap with a single hand, and can be left on the eyelets so you can easily switch between cameras while shooting.
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    • Ash Grey