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Mau tanya seputar produk SIRUI SWIFT M1 GIMBAL , harga, promo dan stok?
Ketersediaan Barang, Harga dan Extra/Bonus yang tertera di website dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. Untuk konfirmasi silahkan hubungi kami sebelum melakukan pembelian.
SIRUI Swift M1 Gimbal Go beyond the lens to see the world around you Pan the Gimbal 90°/180°/360° to capture a 3x3 ultra-wide-angle panoramic shot in just one click. Intelligent IS System The IS system provides smooth stabilization to capture high quality images as you move. Active Track Set for automatic facial tracking with the AI Algorithms or frame the object manually and position the subject in the center of the frame to actively shoot real-time. Easy Balance Adjustment with a Great Load Capacity Instant App Control via Bluetooth Connection The Gimbal will automatically connect with the mobile Bluetooth when powering up. Press the App Control button to access more features on the App for shooting in different settings.
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