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Mau tanya seputar produk RODE WS 6 DELUXE WINDSHIELD FOR NTG1/NTG2/NTG4 , harga, promo dan stok?
Ketersediaan Barang, Harga dan Extra/Bonus yang tertera di website dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. Untuk konfirmasi silahkan hubungi kami sebelum melakukan pembelian.
The RØDE WS6 Deluxe Windshield is an easy to use high-performance windshield for shotgun microphones. Designed to reduce wind noise when recording in adverse environmental conditions, the WS6 combines an open-cell foam surround with an outer layer of acoustically transparent artificial fur. A rubber base prevents any wind noise from entering the rear of the microphone pickup area. Suitable for the RØDE NTG1, NTG2, NTG4 and NTG4+ as well as any shotgun microphone with a maximum slot length of 160.5mm (6 1/4") and a diameter of 21-22.5mm. Weight : 50.00g Dimensions : 100.00mmH x 100.00mmW x 185.00mmD Warranty : 1 year
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