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Rp. 399,000
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Mau tanya seputar produk GOPRO GOOSENECK , harga, promo dan stok?
Ketersediaan Barang, Harga dan Extra/Bonus yang tertera di website dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. Untuk konfirmasi silahkan hubungi kami sebelum melakukan pembelian.
The Gooseneck for GoPro HERO from GoPro is a flexible mounting arm designed to allow you to capture from a diverse range of camera angles not otherwise possible. It can be combined with any GoPro mount that features a quick release base. These including the Suction Cup, Jaws: Flex Clamp, Curved and Flat Adhesive Mounts, and more. Or you can use it on its own as a handheld camera grip. Multiple Goosenecks can even be joined together for extended length and flexibility. The Gooseneck measures 8".
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